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Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions


Wishanger Wild School holds full Public Liability Insurance.  Please be aware that activities take place over rough natural ground and although we take every precaution to ensure safe play, accidents may occur. The staff are all First Aid Trained, DBS checked and we risk assess our site to ensure a safe experience for the children. Be prepared that your child will sometimes come home muddy and wet but they will have had a great day!


It is very important to dress you and your children according to the weather, so they can have a positive experience at forest school. We reserve the right to refuse entry and no refund will be granted if your child is not dressed correctly for a day in the forest. 

In the winter months the children need to be in layers of warm clothes, waterproof trousers and coats and snow boots (if you have them) or outdoor walking boots. Wellington boots are not ideal for the colder months especially if the children are with us all day. Their little feet will freeze, so if possible please invest in warm socks and snow boots. Please remember to name hats, scarves and gloves. Please note that even if has not been raining, water proofs are essential during the winter months. It would be a shame if your child becomes uncomfortably cold throughout the session and has no additional layers to apply.

In the summer months the children need to be wearing long sleeved t-shirts, long light weight trousers, protective footwear (no open toe sandals or crocs) and a summer hat. Please also apply insect repellent and sun cream lotion to your child before the session starts. 


We reserve the right to remove your child from our premises if negative or unkind behaviour persists. A refund will not be granted and we reserve the right to withdraw your child from future lessons at Wishanger Wild School. We have a duty to protect all of our children and staff.


Please note we operate all year round & in most weather conditions unless we are notified of forecast winds of 42mph or above or thunder storms. If we cancel we will offer you an alternative session in the rare event of having to cancel due weather.

Refunds & Cancellations

We will offer a refund if Wishanger Wild School have to cancel a session due to staff sickness. We are not able to offer a refund if your child cannot attend, however subject to availability we may be able to offer an alternative session.  

Additionally for those who have booked a space during the school holidays and courses and wish to cancel we will refund the total based on giving us 5 working day’s notice. If you wish to cancel after this time and up to 24 hours beforehand we will refund you if we are able to rebook the space. If you cancel 24 hours beforehand or on the actual day no refund will be granted. 


Pre-school children do not require to bring snacks. We provide a biscuit, marshmallow and a drink during a 2 hour session.

Children attending our holiday camps need to bring their own packed lunch and at least two drinks please. We provide a biscuit and marshmallow as a snack.


We have a NO nut policy so please do not allow your children to bring ANY foods containing nuts. 


Please do not bring your child to attend forest school if he/she has been sick or has had diarrhoea within the previous 48 hours. We do wish your child a speedy recovery and we will happily offer another session at a later date. If your child has either of the symptoms whilst at forest school, we will call you so you can collect your child. 

​Insect repellent / Medication

Our staff are not authorised to give any medication to your child / children however we are able to assist with epipens and inhalers. Please ensure the two epipens are in date and are handed to the staff in a clear named plastic bag. We will ask the parent to sign them in and out. We regret we cannot accept the child unless they have two epipens that is in date. Please advise the team leader about the use of inhalers and ensure the booking forms have all the details we require.   

In the summer months we do strongly advise to apply insect repellent and sun cream lotion to your child BEFORE the session starts. 

Birthday Party

Please ensure we have all information on children who are joining you to celebrate the birthday. These should be any dietary, medical and information that will ensure everyone enjoys themselves. Please make sure you have a contact number for any child that is being left.

Please read Covid risk assessment
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